Here's one of the realisations I came to in the aftermath of September 11. I decided that if a plane hit the building I was in, I'd want to be doing something I love. I encourage you to change your life so that you're doing the thing you love 24 hours a day. Do it.

What Color is Your Parachute

by Richard Nelson Bolles

A new edition comes out every year. Buy any edition. Go to second-hand bookshops and look for old editions. This is one of the most important workbooks you’ll read. I’ve given away more than forty copies of this book to friends and strangers over the years. It has two parts to it: (1) finding out what job you want to do with your unique skills and passions: (2) finding the particular job to match your discoveries in the first section.

Zen and the Art of Making a Living

by Laurence G. Boldt

A practical guide to creative career design. Innovative, unconventional, profoundly practical career guide. Complements What Color is Your Parachute. Another great career-definition book. Includes information not normally found in career guides.